12. the grass is always greener/winner of giveaway.

these self portraits were taken in between jobs when i had a break.

the grass is really greener on the other side, as after i finished making dvds and building a website, christmas was relaxing and fun!
going to sydney as well on wednesday for a week break which i'm looking forward to.

i love summer holidays. time to relax, travel and spend time with friends and family.

what's your favourite part of summer/winter?

onto other things, after putting all the entrants into a hat and pulling out a blog name (i know i know old fashioned way of deciding!) i now have a winner.

.....drum roll.....

the winner is Maria from 'Avenue M' (http://www.avenuemaria.blogspot.com/)

her blog is gorgeous, especially for the vintage lovers out there. very cute! congrats Maria, your bunny DIY kit and disposable camera are on their way ;)
thankyou to everyone who entered, much appreciated!


11. 300+ followers!

Sorry for the delay in posting, i've been so busy leading up to Christmas I haven't had a moment to stop. To my surprise I made it to 300+ followers in just under a month.
Thankyou for all your lovely comments, follows and support.

To celebrate i've decided to do three giveaways this summer. Hopefully you all will like the majority of the items! I hate getting asked to participate in a giveaway when I don't even want to win. So enter if you like but if you don't want to, keep an eye out over summer for more.

Rather than putting a heap of conditions on my giveaways i've only got two...
- follow on bloglovin'

Once completed leave your email and you can enter!

This first giveaway is creative, as lately i've produced and edited a concert dvd, scanned 1000's of family photos and built website. for a mosaic school. To keep within this theme there's a gorgeous vintage DIY bunny kit and a 35mm disposable camera up for grabs.

Giveaway finishes on the 26th of December so enter asap.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!


10. latest on the street.

these photos were taken the other week in melbourne while working for my other blog aestheticjungle. it's amazing who you can find when you're looking. her long socks, shoes and bag caught my attention so i just had to stop her for her photo!

today we just published our latest post featuring this girl and many others we spotted in the street that day. would love if you guys could check it out and let us know what you think- 'striking the heart of summer'.